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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Review: Death In Bagheria (A Serafina Florio Mystery, #3) by Susan Russo Anderson

Death In Bagheria (A Serafina Florio Mystery, #3)Death In Bagheria by Susan Russo Anderson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Favourite quote … "Like a wave on the sea, your daughter is so beautiful." Here's another, "Someday your mind is going to wander off a cliff and fall into the sea."

Were you able to connect with the main character and why? I really wasn't able to connect with Serafina. She was just kind of strange. Nothing drew me into her world, although I'm sure other readers will feel differently.

Did you find that the cover and title represented what the story was really about? The cover is informative yet does not really show much about the story within. It is like the story, a mystery for the reader to solve.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

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