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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Author Interview – Greg Sandora

What is your favorite quality about yourself? I’m able to stay with something until it’s completed.

What is your main character Jack Canon’s favorite color? Blonde

What is your favorite food? My wife makes the best Meatballs this side of heaven.

What’s your favorite place in the entire world? Believe it or not – my backyard patio. I love it out there.

When and why did you begin writing? I became truly motivated to write it after my mother’s passing. Partially to help me cope with the loss.

What genre are you most comfortable writing? I love fiction; I’ve always had a very vivid imagination.

How much of the book is realistic? Ninety Percent is possible in real life.

Have you included many of your life experiences, even friends, in the plot? Friends who have read it have commented they can see some of my life woven into the plot. Of course my wife and children are represented in the characters voices. I basically write what I know and the things I have seen and done find there way into the story.

How important do you think villains are in a story? Villains are key to this story, many don’t want Jack to succeed and set up every roadblock imaginable.

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Genre – Political Thriller

Rating – PG

More details about the author & the book

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