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Thursday, April 17, 2014

10 Things You Need to Know About #SelfPub @SultanofSalem #WriteTip #AmWriting

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Becoming a Published Author
If you think you know everything about being a published author, think again. There might be some things that you wish you might have known the moment you’ve made those irrevocable mistakes of being an author. Don’t wait for these mistakes to come. Make the move now.
  1. Book publishing is still business.
Even if you think it’s just a hobby of yours, at the end of the day, being a successful published author means you have made sales on your books. What good of an author are you if there are only 2 people who bought your book- you and your mother?
  1. It pays to hire an editor.
Not that it is an insult to your flawless English grammar and composition; you still need to have professional editing done on your book. It is indeed an extremely hard work to both become a writer and an editor. Sometimes, you just have to need some help.
  1. Embrace feedback.
Don’t be too possessive of your writings. Of course, it should be your own intellectual property, but every author feeds on their readers’ feedback. That is where you will grow as a writer.
  1. Fiction needs embellishment.
Fiction writing isn’t only just writing an imaginary story. It also involves creative writing. And by creative writing, we mean the art of carefully describing into details some dialogues and scenes incorporated in the book.
  1. To be a writer, be a reader.
It helps to read on self help books especially about how to further enhance your skill in writing.
  1. Be involved.
Nope, no one has survived to becoming a long time successful published author without having attended various professional groups and associations related to writing. If you are not a member of any of these writing associations, it may also help that you attend some writing conferences.
  1. Self promoting is better than hiring marketing firms
It is a bad choice to hire a PR if you have started self publishing your book. Remember, marketing firms may help you make your book famous, but they don’t guarantee sales. Only you can make your books sale. Self promoting your books is the key.
  1. Book bloggers are your perfect advertisers.
Gone might be the days when you have to hire a PR for your book. With the technology in Internet, book bloggers can do the marketing for you. So invest on book blog advertisements.
  1. Reviews count.
Good reviews also help make your books sell.
  1. The joy of writing must remain
Apart from all these hype about book sales and marketing, you can’t go on any further if you don’t have the passion in writing.
Holy Ghost Writer
The Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo is a continuation of The Count of Monte Cristo (Book I), related through the voice of Sherlock Holmes and The Sultan of Monte Cristo (Book II). It includes exhilarating new adventures, characters, and ideas, carrying the reader past book I and II and into book III of an ever-expanding new series based on the classic.
Those who have already had the pleasure of reading The Sultan of Monte Cristo will certainly appreciate the unique way in which the Holy Ghost Writer has expanded the original story without the help of anyone (except perhaps from the ghosts of Dumas and Doyle).
In addition to comprising a 3rd sequel to The Count of Monte Cristo, The Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo serves as a prequel to The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.
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Genre – Action, Adventure
Rating – PG-15
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